October 2018
The 2nd edition of the ANSE Journal is covering the topic of Politics and social responsibility — effect and influence in and through supervision and coaching. What can be the attitude of supervision in a complex world? This article gives an answer in direct and clear way. It’s called and can be downloaded here: A wild bouncing ball.
May 2018
The Enlivening Edge Magazine‘s first Special Edition Focusing on Education has been translated into Chinese. Yuan GU, who is a pioneer in social innovation and education innovation in China, wrote an introduction for englishspeaking readers. The e-book in Chinese can be downloaded here.
July 2017
The Enlivening Edge Magazine‘s first Special Edition Focusing on Education:
Tethering Purposes in Education – Editorial by Guest Editor Jean-Paul Munsch
All the articles we offer you give a creative answer to how people all around the world find solutions to integrate the pre-existing conditions of our educational system, and to face the challenges of Purpose 3.0: a Purpose that fosters personal potentials, social responsibilities, and ongoing creativity.
July 2016
Jean-Paul Munsch for Enlivening Edge
What attracts me to my work? What do I want more of? In what structures and in what sort of atmosphere do I want to live and work? What kind of leaders are needed to make organizations more human and soulful yet successful?
June 2016
Piero Pierucci’s blog about Jean-Paul Munsch’s talk at the Impact Hub in Zurich.
January 2016
Jean-Paul Munsch for Enlivening Edge
Development, Responsibility, and Next-Stage Evolution in the Educational System: Part 2
Do we help and lead people to take responsibility or do we want people who obediently execute orders? It is simpler, much more fun and beautiful when the evolutionary purpose of the school is “taking responsibility,” and every activity in the system is in alignment with the purpose. What a joy to see what professionals can and will create and innovate when we let them do it. Take heart! Find out! Have fun!
January 2016
Jean-Paul Munsch for Enlivening Edge
Development, Responsibility, and Next-stage Evolution in the Educational System: Part 1
Many years ago i started to teach in a secondary school. I loved the contact with my students — and I suffered from loneliness, from being isolated and alone. Where could I go with my questions? To colleagues who have their classes “under control”? Isn’t teaching also about relationships and handling conflicts? I began searching for answers and I knew I wanted to change teaching. Such a precious profession and such unfavourable conditions!